Noises And No Heat: Common Reasons To Call Your Furnace Repair Technician
Even when you are not a mechanical person, you can do some investigating when it comes to your furnace. If you aren't getting any heat, or if your furnace is making loud noises, there are a number of reasons for this to happen. Poor maintenance can lead to filters being clogged, causing your furnace to work harder than it needs to. You can avoid your furnace breaking down when you invest in maintenance each year. If your furnace stops providing your home with heat, start with checking to see if you have power going to the furnace. You might have a tripped circuit that needs to be reset.
When Your Furnace Emits a Squealing Noise
If your furnace turns on and you hear a loud squealing noise, this is a belt that needs to be replaced. Over time, belts become dry and cracked. The blower belt can slip out of place and cause a loud squeal when the furnace kicks on.
Your Furnace Keeps Short Cycling
When you hear your furnace turn on and off consistently, there is a problem that needs to be addressed. This can be as simple as a filter that needs to be changed or a broken thermostat that isn't reading your temperature correctly.
When Your Home Won't Get Warm Enough
Problems with the pilot light or ignition can make it impossible for your system to warm up your home adequately. There could be an issue with the fuel supply to your furnace, or there could be a buildup of carbon monoxide if you have a gas furnace.
Your Heating Bills Are Excessive
If you didn't get your system serviced before the heating season started, it's not too late to do so. When your heating bills are far beyond the same month last year, this could mean your system is running poorly. Have your system looked at by a heating contractor when your bills go up excessively.
When You Hear Scraping
A loud scraping noise when your furnace turns on can be a big problem. Turn off your furnace and call for help right away, as this could be an indication that your ball bearings have failed.
Whenever your heating system makes noises that are new and different, it's time to investigate further. If you come home to minimal heat, you may need to have emergency furnace repair services at your home. Stay comfortable this heating season by getting your system maintained as soon as possible.