4 Ways To Extend The Life Of Your Furnace
A quality central heating unit is a huge investment, and it pays to take care of the one you have to extend the amount of time before you have to replace it. Luckily, there are specific things you can do to help ensure your furnace has a long lifespan. Here are four ideas for doing just that:
Pay for an Annual Service Inspection
Many homeowners make the mistake of ignoring their furnace until it stops working.
The Four Main Types Of Radiators
Radiators are an extremely effective home heating option which have been around for a long period of time. There are four main types of radiators that are still in use today, each of which operates in a different way in order to provide your home with hot air. Understanding the differences between each of these four types of radiators can help you choose the one that best fits your needs.
3 Benefits Of Cleaning Your Ducts
Your ducts are an important part of your home. Without ductwork, there is no way for your home to get the cool air it needs during the summer or the warm air it needs during the winter. But, how often do you think about your ducts and what lurks inside of them? Oftentimes, homeowners never think about their ducts until something goes wrong and their system stops working properly. Check out the three benefits below that stem from cleaning your ducts.
Tips To Hide Your Outdoor AC Unit
Having a working AC unit in the summer isn't something to discredit, but outdoor units can be unsightly and might not fit in well with your landscaping plan. Outdoor AC units are just a fact of life, but you can get creative with hiding your air conditioner. Here are four clever ideas to cover up and keep your outdoor AC unit out of sight.
1. Cover Up With Plants
There are plenty of shrubs, tall grasses, and even bamboo that can grow up and cover your outdoor AC unit.
4 Signs Your Air Conditioner Needs To Be Repaired
When living in a hot climate, the last thing you want is for your air conditioner to completely fail when temperatures are high. Luckily, an A/C system typically shows signs of problems before it ceases working all together As a homeowner, paying attention to your air conditioner and how it is running can give your the chance to have your A/C repaired instead of having to face a steep bill to replace your air conditioner.
Two Things (Other Than Energy) Your HVAC System Can Help You Save
You've heard it before—a new HVAC system could save you hundreds of dollars each month. While that's true, replacing, repairing, or servicing your HVAC system could help you save on two other things.
Curious? Read on to find out what they are.
Air conditioners work by pulling the warm air from your home, running it over coolant, and pumping the cold air back in. During the process, the units produce a lot of water from condensation—up to 5 gallons or more.
How Important Is A Thermostat To Furnace Efficiency
A furnace is one of the key components of a heating system, but buying a highly efficient furnace should not be your only focus. You should also look at your thermostat. The type of thermostat you use and how you use it can affect how much money you are able to save on heating your home.
Types of Thermostats
There are at least three types of furnaces that you need to know about:
How Do You Know If You Need A New Gas Furnace?
Your gas furnace is an appliance you can't be without, especially when temperatures drop in the winter months. However, if you're having problems with your furnace, it can be tough to determine whether you should invest in a new model or simply continue to have repairs done. The following clues should help you figure out whether it's time to start shopping for a new gas furnace.
Your Gas Furnace is Too Old
How To Improve Furnace Efficiency
Furnace efficiency is of vital importance to a homeowner. You might not know it, but one of the biggest strains on your wallet is your furnace. You might try to solve this problem by buying the most efficient furnace you can find, and while this is a step in the right direction, if your home is not energy efficient, the quality of your furnace will not do enough to keep your home warm.
What Do You Need To Do Differently When You Move Into A Home With A Septic Tank?
If you're moving into a home with a septic tank rather than a sewer connection for the first time, it's important to know what you need to do differently. Once you get used to it, day-to-day life with a septic tank won't feel any different than day-to-day life in a home connected to the sewer. But you will have to make some small changes to prevent plumbing issues down the road.